Looking into how I am going to create the outfits

My main priority at the moment is me starting to think about the 90's section of the project. I need to find out where I am going to be able to get hold of items for me to be able to create one of the outfits. I have the idea of going into charity shops and looking, but I have the idea for what I am looking for in my head and if I wont be able to find it there I will have to search the Internet. I am going to make sketch on the design ideas I have for the 90's outfit, then I'm going to the do the same for the noughties one.

Learning about technology

As part of our extended project we need to learn about a new tecnology and use it. I have decided that my final piece of my project will be a photoshoot. The next part of my project will be creating two outfits, one from the 90's and one from the 00's. Once I have done this I will learn how to use a professional camera, then I will use photoshop and Picasa. Now I need to start thiniking about where I will be borrowing the camera from and who I will teach me how to use it and edit the pictures after.