My Research

Firstly I attended a fashion show on the 14th of February 2010. This was a good way to start my project, and help me get into the right mind set of the fashion world. I will use the internet for pictures and other information about the past 20 years and how the fashions have changed, I will also use books to help me.
I'm also going to use my research of the 90's style of fashion and compare it with the 00's fashion and have a photo shoot, this will show my understanding of technology and how the fashions changed, I will need to learn and be taught about using a professional still camera and this will all be documented in my project.
Why I chose this topic:
I've always been interested in fashion, and especially the business side of fashion, this is why I have chosen to look at in my extended project; the way it has changed in the last 20 years and why. I think choosing this title for my extended project will benefit me if I decide to peruse a career in fashion. This will also link in with my studies of the ICT Diploma and will allow me to develop my digital editing and manipulation skills using different software.
My final proposed action:
To produce a written report on Power Point on how fashion has changed over the last 20 years, with features of the Fashion show I attended and other information I can get a hold of. Also a fashion shoot using two friends to model two outfits, one from the 90’s and the other from the 00’s which I will put together.


After a discussion with my teacher he gave me advice to add in research from the internet and books into British designers, going to fashion shows and writing to designers. He also said I should change my title of the extended project into a question, so at the end of my presentation I can use my research to conclude with a conclusion based on my research.
He also said my initial project was a bit too vague so I have decided to just focus on only a few specific  topics within the heading, for this reason I have decided to look into British designers. I was advised to present my project in a report so I have decided to use Power Point, having my final piece of the project to be a photo shoot showing the difference in fashion from the 90's to the 00's. Another idea he gave was that I should add some video into my project, so I may produce a mini fashion show, showing the different trends of the 90's and the 00's.
On 14th of February 2010, I am attended a London fashion show, which helped me research into the fashion world. In my project I am going to add a section on my learning to use a professional camera and I may add another section on video editing for the little bit of filming I may do for the project.

First ideas

lFor my extended project my first idea was something along the lines of, ‘how designers have changed the world of fashion and life culture?’
-Fashion prices changing over the 20 years  
-How fashion has changed from the 90's and 00's?
-Background of fashion
I then decided to do some research and development of first idea and thought of some other topics such as:

Extended Project

How did the world of fashion, celebrity icons and life culture change from the 90's to the 00's?